Sunday 9 October 2011

Dog Days Aren't Over

-Hello :)

My relatives. What can I say about them... I hate them :) Pretty much all of them. But most of all this one bitch - it's not so much that she's a bitch to me, I can easily deal with that, but the fact that she's a bitch to my mom. My MOM! That fuckin pisses me off. I don't always get along with mom, but she is the woman who raised me and was and always will be there for me. So people who fuck with my mom are lower than scum to me.

I made a promise to myself a long time ago. I promised that I will pay my mom back for all the help she's given me over the years and I am on my way to doing that. I'm proud of myself for getting off that couch 1,5 years ago and deciding to come to the UK. I'm proud that I didn't end up being a lazy fucker who didn't do anything with their life.

So this is me letting off steam. Listening to Florence and drinking my third (or is it fourth?) cup of coffee.

So what else is new? Oh so many things, so many things that I can't really say. But want to. Shit keeps happening to me. It's like a fucking rollercoaster - up, down, up, down, vomit, up, up, up, DOWN. One day at a time. That's all I can do.

11 days to go, during 3 of them Eva and Merje will be here :)

I'm not leaving the flat today, no matter what happens. Just one day when I don't have to do ANYTHING

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